The internet is full of stories the past week or so, about A&E network suspending a reality show star for something he said in an interview.
First of all, I have never seen 'Duck Dynasty'. And I have no current plans to watch it.
Not because of what this dude said, but because I am tired of what I call "Moron TV." In this country he has a right to say anything he wants, even if he only proves that he is a moron. And we have a right not to watch him.
The TV channels are full of "reality shows." Not my reality, that's for damn sure.
I got to thinking this week, "Is it all about the money?"
Don't get me wrong. I do watch a few of these shows. I enjoy 'American Restoration,' 'American Pickers,' 'Renovation Reality,' and some of the car shows on 'Velocity'. But are these really true "Reality Shows?"
These programs have intelligent hosts and you can actually learn something. They show a part of American History.
I doubt that I would learn anything from watching 'Duck Dynasty', AX Men,' 'Swamp Loggers', or 'Survivor'.
And if you ever catch me watching 'Dance Moms' please shoot me.
Don't get me wrong, these shows are extremely successful and pull in a TON of money for the networks, producers and the stars. And they are extremely inexpensive to produce.
And that is the reason we have seen such an increase in 'Reality TV,' Talent shows, News Programs and the like.
It can cost upwards of a million dollars to do a one hour drama program. Realty shows cost a tenth of that.
Next time you see 'Renovation Realities on D.I.Y. look closely. Notice that when they are working at night the picture quality is less than perfect. Usually in black and white. That's because the renovators are given hand cameras to use at night. They are on their own. No camera man, no producer or director. And no 'overtime'. In other words, "keep it cheap."
So I have concluded that 'Reality TV' is here to stay. Hopefully the more moronic shows won't last too long.
Your assignment this week was going to be to watch 'Duck Dynasty', and 'Swamp Loggers.' But I decided I did not want to subject you to it.
So instead, go find a good 'chic' flick. That would be much more satisfying. You cant beat Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts.