People let me tell you 'bout my best friend
He's a warm-hearted person who'll love me to the end
People let me tell you 'bout my best friend
He's a one boy cuddly toy my up my down my pride and joy
People let me tell you now he's so much fun
Whether we're talking man to man
Or whether we're talking son to son
Cause he's my best friend now
Those words were penned by artist and composer Harry Nilsson. Those my generation will remember him from his 1969 hit "Everybody's Talkin".
He also wrote the above lyrics and music for a new ABC TV show staring Bill Bixby. Although Nilsson never released it as a single this theme song became very popular. It faded away when 'The Courtship Of Eddie's Father" left the airwaves.
For some reason this song has been dancing around my mind lately. I got to thinking. "Everybody needs a best friend."
Some of you may know that for the last year and a half, I have been working on a novel. And this song fits perfectly.
My story is about a young boy from Indiana who gets into some trouble and is sent away to a boarding school. The story revolves around him, his new best friend, and the girl he had to leave behind. It's about love and best friends.
I got to thinking about best friends and many came to mind.
My favorite best friends has to be James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock. Need I say more?
Right up there with them would have to the friendship between B.J. Hunnicutt and Hawkeye Pierce. 'Trapper' John would be there too, but I always liked B.J. better.
I thought about Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison. They were two people that were completely different, but they were still best friends.
Kelly Robinson and Alexander Scott of course came to mind, as well as Gayle Sayers and Brian Piccolo. It was during the days of the 1960's when it was hard for blacks and whites to be friends, let alone be best friends and room together.
I used to love to watch the interaction between Rhoda Morganstern and Mary Richards. They would just look at each other and have a silent conversation.
And what about Laurel and Hardy (and Abbott and Costello) You never saw one without the other.
Wally Cleaver and Eddie Haskel also had a strong bond. Wally always put up with Eddie's shenanigans.
And what about the 'Skipper' and his little pal, Gilligan?
Two of my favorite best friends have to be Kevin Arnold and Paul Pfeiffer. As part of my character research for my novel, I have been weeding through 'The Wonder Years' on Netflix. Those two kids had a great friendship. And it is a show worth revisiting.
Kevin and Paul remind me of my Junior High best friend John Kalpus. Like Kevin and Paul, John and I were always together. His father worked at the Radio/TV station in Muncie, Indiana and it was John that got me interested in electronics and radio. That interest led to a life long career in broadcasting and engineering. John moved away after ninth grade, and it wasn't until the internet arrived many years later that he found me again. Now we keep track of each other via face book.
I got to thinking about these characters. (I am sure there are many more that I have not thought of) I thought about the bond these people have with each other.
Yes, some times they argued, some times they did not agree with each other. But at the end of the day, they were still best friends. They would do anything for the other person and they had each others 'back'.
And I wanted the characters in my novel to be the same way.
I thought about my best friend.
It was 1985 or so. I was working for a radio station in Indiana that had just purchased a station outside of Raleigh, North Carolina. I was asked to go to Raleigh and "scope out" the local engineer. My job was to see if we wanted to keep him, or hire someone else.
As I drove the rental car south from the Raleigh Durham airport, I wondered what kind of person this Ed McDade character was. I really did not need any more drama in my life. I had just come through a terrible situation with a station of which I owned a small part. As well a recent divorce and a new job, 1985 was not one of my favorite years.
I hoped I would like this guy and not have to make that terrible decision.
I entered the radio station and asked if "Ed" was there. I was directed to a small production room just off of the main hallway. Laying on the floor under the broadcast console was this huge mountain man dressed in overalls.
As I introduced myself, he started to get up and somehow his hand came in contact with several hundred volts of electricity.
He wasn't injured (other than some minor burns and maybe his pride) He knew why I was there and probably figured he was 'toast'. In more ways than one.
Ed showed me around the station, and it took about thirty seconds for us to become friends. I don't remember if it was a joke one of us told, or perhaps we were laughing about his mis-step and almost electrocution. We bonded almost immediately. And we have been friends ever since that day. Ed was the one who helped me through those tough times.
He helped me get through the 'eighties.'
When the radio station in Indiana and I parted ways, I stayed with Ed in Asheville for six months, helping him do contract engineering around North Carolina. It was there there that I fell in love with the mountains, and had my first technical article published.
His wonderful mother and father treated me like another member of the family.
As I look back it is hard to imagine that it has been almost thirty years. Although we don't see each other as often as I would like, Ed has been a major part of my life. And he always will be.
Another best friend is Craig. His wife Lynn and my wife have been best friends for years. And I consider her to be one of my best friends as well. I always wanted a little sister.
About eleven years ago, Craig and I started to have a regular Wednesday night out for a steak or burger. And with an occasional missed Wednesday due to my travel or his work schedule, we have been having dinner together every Wednesday night since 2003.
We have also spent many a day at Disney World riding 'Mission To Mars','Test Track', and the 'Rockin Roller Coaster'. My fondest memory is the day we did ALL THREE Disney parks in ONE day, and rode EVERY ride. Well, almost every ride.
But my 'bestest' friend is Penny, my bride of 23 years. After all these years, she still makes me laugh. She not only takes great care of me but she puts up with all of my faults.
Penny turned me on to some great TV shows that I wouldn't have given a second glance without her insistence. 'That 70's Show', and 'Big Bang Theory' come to mind. There are many more.
I could write about her all day. I am by far a much better person since she came into my life. I know that I've had a lot of fun.
She 'gets me'.
And that my readers, is the mark of a best friend.
I have been fortunate to have many best friends in my life.
So, your assignment this week is to go call your best friend.
Tell them how fortunate you are to have them in your life.
It will put a warm feeling in your heart.
Have a great 4th of July !!