Thursday, November 28, 2013


    More than any other day of the year, today is special. Many of us will gather with family and close friends to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Many traditions will be followed and new traditions will begin. It is our favorite holiday.

    As she does every year, Penny will go overboard with the meal. She has been busy in the kitchen for the past two days. Since we have been dieting since February, we will get our first taste of mashed potatoes and pie in a very long time. My friend and I will relax in front of the big screen and enjoy a bit of football.

    The sounds and aromas coming from our kitchen will be the highlight of the day.

    As our chilly morning begins, I got to thinking. "What am I most thankful for?"

    You can be thankful for good health, employment, and your friends. You can even the thankful for world peace. The usual items that of course I am thankful for. Life is good. 

     But this morning as I poured my first cup of coffee. I noticed a small, yellowing piece of paper affixed to our kitchen freezer.

    Picking it up and gazing at the old and faded piece of paper caused me to smile. That is what I am thankful for. It was just 57 little words.
    "Are you tired of the dating game as I am ? Were your holidays lonely too. Seeking sincere, honest girl to share long walks, old movies, dinner and good conversation. If you love to cuddle, this college educated, professional in his late thirties would like to meet you. New to the area. Send letter to BOX xxx Star Banner.

    How I came to write this prose all those years ago, is another long story best saved for another time. Let's just say that come next January it will be 24 years since it appeared in the local paper.

    It was just 57 little words that would change my life forever. 

    I must have put them in the correct order, as we were married the day after Thanksgiving in 1990. It makes it easy to remember, so we celebrate the day after Thanksgiving. Maybe I should send a thank you note to the Ball State School of Journalism.

    Just 57 little words. That's what I am thankful for.
    Happy Thanksgiving !!!!!

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