Monday, November 24, 2014


    As I was watching the boob tube last night, (that's what us old farts call it) I marveled at the number of commercials encouraging people to leave their nice comfortable homes, brave the huge crowds and go shopping the day after Thanksgiving.

    'You can save, save, save,' they all screamed at me.

    As I sat there in my easy chair, I thought to myself , 'Is now the time for me to hide?'

    I am not a shopper. I have been known to buy a car in less than twenty minutes. 

      When I bought my Toyota Tacoma eleven years ago, I remember looking at the sales girl who came out on the lot to greet me.

    "I'll take that one" I said, pointing to a cream colored small pick up truck.

    She stood there for a brief moment, not knowing what to say.   

    She told me later that it was the easiest car sale of her short carrier. 
    I work in sales, and nothing aggravates me more than when a customer says, "Can you do any better on the price?" I want to say "What do you think this is, a flea market?" But I don't. It would not be politically correct.

    I have a friend that spent two hours running around town looking for a bargain on a box of screws."

    "Dude," I said. "There's a hurricane coming and you're trying to save twenty cents?" Not to mention the gas he used driving all over hell's half acre.

    Needles to say, I am a man of few words and very little patience. So when someone says, "do you have a coupon?" or "are you a member of our buyers club?" I just stare and shake my head. 

      I smile politely and say, "No thank you. I don't need another password to forget."      

    Don't get me wrong. I am not above a good bargain. If my wife finds a fifty dollar shirt at a garage sale for three dollars, I will wear it. I'm not that damn proud.

    Besides, if you are offering me this great deal only one day a year, why am I shopping at your establishment the rest of the year?

    I am also a hypocrite. I humor my friend when we go to dinner by using a coupon. It makes me feel like one of the crowd. Fortunately, he'll never know. He doesn't read blogs, as he's too busy shopping.

    So,if you want to spend "Black Friday" out in that mess, go right ahead. Fight the crowds and the lack of parking spaces. Sit in that turn lane waiting and waiting to turn into the Mall. Who knows, you might save a couple of bucks.

    Me? I will take the day off and watch a sappy movie or two. And if I want to shop, Amazon dot com is only a click away.   

    Have a great Black Friday.

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