Wednesday, September 4, 2013


                NO I DID NOT SAY THAT. Just kidding, I probably did. I have this habit of shooting my mouth off before putting my brain in gear. So I thought I would share with the world.
                Now that my long career in Broadcasting is winding down, I have finally made time for one of my earlier interests. That is writing.
                With a degree in Telecommunications and Journalism from Ball State University (1975) I have decided to put my Journalistic talent (if I have any) to use.
                 First by writing a book, then a blog.
                 Well, the book is going well and is about three quarters of the way complete. But I find I have other ideas rolling around in my little pea brain that I must put to paper. (or the internet)
                 That is why I am here. I hope I don't offend anyone. If I do, get over it.

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