Tuesday, September 10, 2013


    I spent the long Labor Day weekend working in the yard. Florida is always HOT in September, and the weekend was no exception. The list of "Honey Do's" had gotten VERY long and it was time for me to start catching up.

    After a full days work I was extremely hot and tired and every muscle I had ached.

    My back hurt, my legs hurt, and my  shoulder felt like it had a dagger in it.

    I got to thinking. 'Is it all downhill from here?'   

    I realized that at 62, I can not work like I did when I was 32.  Or even 42.
    As we get older, we have to start slowing down. Instead of working all day on a Saturday, I should have worked half a day on Saturday and a half a day on Sunday. I would have gotten the same amount  of work done and my body would have been much happier. I made a mental note to myself. 'Don't overdo, you are not Superman'.

    I also realized how bad it would have been for me, had I NOT been going to the gym every morning for the past  six months. Those fifty pounds I have shed also helped.

    There should be no reason for me not to be able to do these chores around the house. I vowed to continue my exercise and diet routine and NOT fall apart by the time I am 65.
    So your assignment for the week is 'Get off the damn sofa !!!'

    Instead of watching four football games this weekend. PICK ONE and enjoy it.

    WALK somewhere. Get some exercise. Push yourself away from the dinner table and skip desert.
    JOIN a gym.

    "Is it all down hill from here?"  It doesn't have to be.  I won't allow it.

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