Monday, October 7, 2013


    I was a sophomore in High School when Star Trek premiered on September 8, 1966. I became hooked immediately. Over the years, I watched them all.  Star Trek, Star Trek : The Next Generation, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Enterprise, Deep Space Nine. With each new series, it got better and better. And of course I saw all the movies. The Star Trek franchise has been a huge part of my life.
    Star Trek II was inspired by one of the original episodes and had always been my favorite Star Trek movie. 
    When I learned that they were bringing back Kirk and Spock as Star Fleet Cadets, I wondered how that whole idea would work.  William Shatner was Kirk and Leonard Nimoy was Spock. No one else could play those characters. The Star Trek time line was already established. How would they handle it? I shouldn't have worried.
    The "new" Star Trek movie with Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto was a work of art. I thought at the time 'it can't get any better than this.' They handled the time line in a brilliant fashion. They brought Spock back from the future, then proceeded to blow the time line right out of the park.
    So I got to thinking, "Would Gene Roddenberry be proud?"
    This re-booted Star Trek movie has been on TV many times in the last year or so. Whenever I stumble on it, I will watch. About the only other movie that I react that way to is 'Shawshank Redemption" but that's another story.
    So I waited patiently for "Star Trek Into the Darkness" to arrive via Blu Ray.
    I don't go to theaters anymore. Too many loud and rude people. And I hate spending all that money to have my movie interrupted by some moron on a cell phone. But that's another story too.
    Blu Ray in hand, I could not wait to see this on the big 60 inch screen in High Definition.
    Finally I got a couple of hours free, and on a lazy Sunday Afternoon, I settled in my chair and pushed the button.

    No spoiler here, I am not going to give away any of the plot.

    I will say this. As I watched this movie, I could feel Gene Roddenberry smiling down. This would have to be his proudest moment.

    Kahn, the Tribbles and Captain Pike are all in this movie. Even Nurse Chapel get a mention.
    But all that action and plot line pails to the one central theme. It is about the relationship between Kirk and Spock.

    All through the star Trek incarnations, we know that these two men are as close as two people can be. They have each others back. Take away the outer space, the aliens, and all the future mumbo jumbo and: The relationship would make a great 'Chick' flick.

    There are some twists and turns that make this the greatest Star Trek movie of all time.'  

     So your assignment for the week :  GO BUY THIS MOVIE ! You won't regret it.   

     The only movie I have ever watched that made me cry was 'My Dog Skip.' But I am a dog lover and get emotional when a dog dies.

   That is, until now. As I watched the last part of this movie and realized how they handled the time line, and how the story flowed, I cried like a five year old.
    Partly because of the story, partly because of the writing genius, and partly because Gene Roddenberry never got to see what his franchise would become.

    Or did he ???   

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