Wednesday, March 8, 2017


    This is a question I have been asked recently. Along with "Have you stopped writing?"

     NO, I have not stopped writing, but a few things have limited my time. My first book is finished and the two sequels are almost completed. We are searching for an Agent to work with us. That has not been an easy job. I have also started a forth novel, so I have been extremely busy.

     I found it hard to work fifty hours a week, and do all the other things in life that we needed to do, so something had to take a back seat.

     I have a friend who told me once that you only have so much room on your "plate". For every new thing you add to this 'plate' you have to remove something to make room.

    The biggest project has been our new retirement home renovation and some work on the big house getting it ready to sell. All in preparation of my pending retirement.

     Well, the new house is done and I am officially retired from the Broadcasting industry.

    So I know have the time for other passions in life. So you will be hearing more form me in the future.

     I am also learning to cook, along with my woodworking hobby. I am keeping busy.

    And if you know anyone who needs a 3 bedroom in the Historic District, let me know.

     All the best


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