Last week I posted about how it is nice to see your hometown on the news. And we talked about the Confederate Flag issue. If I had only known.
And now it has happened again.
In case you have been in a vacuum the past few days, a 'Monocled Cobra' escaped from captivity in the middle of an Ocala residential area, a few blocks from an Elementary School.
The news is all over the internet, as well as national TV news. I just hope that people don't get the wrong impression of my home town. It is a great place to live and work. (and retire)
Ocala residents will discuss the legal ramifications of this incident for weeks and months to come. Why will the city allow people to have these poisonous snakes in a residential area, while prohibiting me from having a chicken in my back yard? Its a discussion for a later time.
But right now, Ocalans are having some fun with it. Maybe if we poke fun we will forget that we are all scared right out of our panties. Well, at least I am.
We are also having fun with 'photo shop'.
We have a new 'Welcome to Ocala' sign.
It seems like within minutes of the escape, the snake found a lost I-phone and immediately started to tweet. (trying to keep up with POTUS??) You can follow him at Ocala Cobra @OcalaCobra
And he has even passed on some words of wisdom on his face book page.
This proves my theory that every ONE and every THING has a face book page.
And of course local business are jumping on the bandwagon.
Have to hand it to them. BRILLIANT !!
You can even order a special "OCALA COBRA" TEE Shirt at
BTW, proceeds for this go to Habitat for Humanity. That's a good thing.
All jokes aside, I hate snakes. If I step on one, I run screaming like a little girl. I can also run faster than Jess Owens on a crisp Berlin day.
I know what you're thinking. 'If this guy hates snakes so much, why does he live in Florida?
It's simple, my friends. While my northern friends are digging out from last weeks blizzard, I was enjoying the seventy degree weather. It's a fair trade off.
The Cobra is not the only snake on the loose in my home town. We have a four foot black snake that has taken up residence here at the casa de Freshwater. Penny got mad at me because I named it after the Congressman she used to work for. She said it was an insult...... to the snake.
Be well friends.
And watch where you step.
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